Revivo Images is your most up-to-date online guide to find over 1,000,000 unique, rare and unseen high resolution images from the past centuries for creative re-use.

Special selection for creators features images that were released officially as part of open access/content policies – found in the extensive list of over 800 OpenGLAMs – open galleries, museums, archives and libraries – by Douglas McCarthy and Andrea Wallace.

Crowdsourcing help
Welcomes your skills, knowledge, expertise, time and help

Designed for creators
Based on years of research of creators’ needs – from fashion, design, architecture to maker culture and virtual reality sector – to amateurs and beginners

Celebrates OpenGLAMs
Promotes their own websites to drive new traffic and encourage new collection openings

When images from the past connect with the minds and hands of contemporary times, magic happens — revival of old images in new stories, objects and experiences #revivostories.

Founded in 2014 by
Silvija Aurylaite

In 2014, it was inspired by experimental British Library Labs.

In the avant-garde with worldwide OpenGLAMs network.

Embraces and cherishes the values and modes of working of open GLAMs.

Revivo Images is registered as an NGO in Vilnius, Lithuania.

All activities are separate from the UK project it was inspired by, does not suggest any current endorsement and does not include any of their digital collections.

So far we added 3 collections, currently work on 5 new collections from 35 in total (constantly growing). Contribute to help us grow from 32, 000 to 1,000,000 images faster!